
Get Compensation for Asbestos Exposure

Mesothelioma can be a devastating diagnosis. Each year more than 3,000 people die from mesothelioma, a disease that is almost exclusively caused by exposure to asbestos, a material once widely used in a number of building, industrial, automotive and other products. Asbestos exposure may also cause asbestosis, an inflammation of the lungs, and lung cancer. While the dangers of asbestos have been known since at least the 1930s, many irresponsible companies continued to put individuals at risk after the fact. This is the reason that the mesothelioma attorneys at Loucas Law represent those who have sustained personal injuries from this deadly substance.


Symptoms Can Take Years to Develop

Even those who were exposed for as little as one month to asbestos – as well as their family members – may be affected by asbestos exposure. Yet the symptoms can take years to develop or they are wrongly attributed to other illnesses. If you or a loved one suffers from asbestosis, mesothelioma or other complications of asbestos exposure, you may be entitled to compensation.

If you or your loved one has received a mesothelioma diagnosis, talk to the attorneys at Loucas Law. We understand that you want your focus to be on the health of your family member, not complex legal cases. Our attorneys will work with you to determine the basis of your claim and put together a comprehensive litigation package that will effectively assert your claim and put you in the best position to achieve a positive outcome.


Loucas Law Offers an Individualized Approach to Mesothelioma Cases

During the process, you will see that the attorneys of Loucas Law will take the time to answer all of your questions, hear all of the details of your case, and then relieve you of the burden of worrying about the process. With extensive experience and access to the finest mesothelioma experts in the country, you can work on your healing while we work on your claim. Not only do our experts understand the devastating nature of mesothelioma, but our teams do as well. George Loucas, a personal injury lawyer with pharmaceutical knowledge, brings his expertise in the legal profession as well as his background as a licensed pharmacist to every single case. He can assist with issues that include chronic pain management and catastrophic injuries that are frequently seen in mesothelioma cases.

When you meet with our team, you can be assured that we are prepared to take every case as far as needed, whether that is into settlement talks or all the way to litigation. We will work with you to make sure that you understand every aspect of the process and all of your options so that you can make the best decisions for you and your family. Our comprehensive preparation has allowed us to secure some of the highest settlements for mesothelioma clients in the region, giving them peace of mind and financial security.

Call the attorneys at Loucas Law today to talk about your mesothelioma diagnosis. Our caring, professional team will be happy to discuss your case and the steps to getting started on a compensation package. Call now!